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Welcome to the Tobacco Valley Business Park
Manufacturing Space Available
Located 3 miles northwest of Eureka Montana
22 acre park with 1 to 4 acre lots available for sale and lease.
Includes a Business Incubator building for light manufacturing.
- * 22 acres- completely subdivided into 12 lots, varying sizes
- * Lease and/or Sale options
- * Building to suit- own and/or lease options
- * Variety of funding opportunities
- * Every business is case by case, based on number of jobs created, investment needs, industry, etc
Make Tobacco Valley Home
Fly-In to Glacier National Airport. Visit Whitefish , then to the Tobacco Valley and Eureka Montana.
Tobacco Valley Business Climate
Tobacco Valley welcomes business. Our state consistently receives high scores from for best business tax climate. The Kauffman Foundation ranks Montana as number one state in the nation for the highest entrepreneurship rate. There is no sales tax here, and our state government is one of the few in the nation that operates in the black. With accessible elected officials and pro-business communities, the opportunities for growth are immense. And, in Tobacco Valley in Northwest Montana, one of the state’s premieur regions, we enjoy a diversifying economy that was built on traditional industry and is flourishing in the modern market
Business Resources
Rural Economic Designs
Building A Stronger Future for Rural Communities
Choose Montana
Where You Have Space to Grow and Play From Mountaintops
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Montana Business Navigator
Montana Business Resource
Office of Tourism and Business Development
Montana Manufacturing Extension Office
Making Montana a State of Manufacturing Excellence
Lincoln County
Northwest Montana's Outdoor Playground
Eureka Area Chamber
Small Towns With Big Hearts
Montana West Economic Development
local resources, skilled workers, and business benefits
Town of Eureka
Small Towns With Big Hearts